Ascending the stonestairs from the front gate, and you will find a scene of a part of beautiful garden through
the entrance and the Shisen-hall.
If you enter the building, you will reach the Shisen-hall and the spacious Shoin. Your eyes will catch
beautiful and wide view garden, which consists of fresh green trees and grasses. After the season
during azaleas and flowers are visited by a lot of people. But now in June, rainy season too,
visitors are ferew. So you sit down and stay as long as you like. And you enjoy the beautiful garden and sound
of Shishiodoshi,which is quiet and calm. While you enjoy the garden from eyes and ears, you forget
everything and release your stress.
Next you take a walk in the garden.
Various kind of flowers bloom in every month.
In june Hydrogea and bell flowers bloom.
Two kinds of bell flowrs bloom, whiteones and purple ones. As you see it, the flower is like a bag.
long ago, Children catches firefries and put them into the cut flower and carry them. In Japanese
Firefry bag” is called from this story.
Otherwise beautiful purple clemantisesaisre bloom
Yellow Hypericum chinense that has long stamens and so on
bloom everywhere.
In early summer, we can spend slow and rich time in the rooms and in the garden.
Why do not you visit by yourself or with your friends in order to put yourself into the space
and release your everyday stress ?
(translation : Michy)
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